Friday, August 24, 2012

Brave boy...

Yesterday Conner was playing in his crib, and he is getting so brave! Seriously, this kid is pulling up on everything and wants to be standing as much as possible! It's cute and terrifying at the same time. Haha!

 Holding onto 2 different things ... he's such a brave boy!

 Pulling up on everything ... even things 4" tall...

 Loves "climbing" over my legs. I'm sure he'd climb over bigger stuff, but Mommy isn't ready for that yet!

Conner is also still obsessed with Stella. I can't believe I caught this video while "managing" the situation. Stella is pretty patient with Conner and really just wants to be pet regardless of if Conner grabs a handful of her fur and pulls hard. She's happy to just get another pet after he lets go. Funny cat, and funny baby!

This morning Jason wanted me to take some pictures of Conner to text to him, so here are a few I got...

 Wearing a shirt and pant pj set with socks. He's so cute!!!

 Pulling up on his favorite toy!

Mmm, yummy.
 Hello, mini-Jason!

Conner and I hung out with Kylee this morning since day care was closed and Courtney had a conference call. It was very interesting to watch them interact and be alone watching an 8 month old, 20 month old, and giant golden retriever. I definitely tried some things that didn't work, and got some ideas for next time. They are both great kids and I am super excited to watch them grow up together.

 Conner wanted anything Kylee was holding. She was such a good sport. :)

 I had this tiny little guy curled up by my feet the whole time ... or leaned up against my leg ... or licking the babies ... he just wanted some love! ;)

 Kylee checking out Conner's books.

Funny face...

Pulling on those ears ... I expect another tooth soon! Despite the excitement this morning and missing his morning nap, this little guy was in a pretty good mood.

In other news ... Jason gets home TONIGHT!!!! ::sigh of relief:: Missing that man so much!

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