Friday, February 25, 2011

Remember when ...

Remember when we used to watch new (and old for that matter) music videos on MTV and VH1?

 Sometimes I miss that.

Thank goodness we've got YouTube.


Never really been a reader, but ...

This weekend I plan to finish the book I'm currently reading ... Breaking Dawn of the Twilight series. The first three books, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse were good, but I had a hard time getting "hooked" into the story until at least the second half of each one. Breaking Dawn, however, has been so intriguing from the very beginning and I have only about 100 pages left to read and I'm on the edge of my seat! I've been bringing my book with me everywhere I go in case I get a free moment to find out what happens.

In doing a little research on when the final movie will come out, I found out that Breaking Dawn will be slit into 2 movies, and the first one comes out November 2011, and the final movie comes out some time in 2012. I am really excited to see these movies. I think I may even go back and re-read all the books again before November when the movie comes out.

The other plan for this weekend is to finish the laundry room. I was tempted to get started on replacing the bathroom vanities, but Jason reminded me that it would be so nice to not have so many unfinished projects going on at one time. He's right. It will be nice to be able to walk into a finished laundry room that doesn't have paint cans and a ladder to navigate around when trying to do laundry.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lookin' good!!

I decided to paint two of the walls in the laundry room the dark purple/mocha color and it looks so good. I am beyond pleased with the result. Now we can start screwing the cabinets into the walls and paint the cabinet doors! My main focus is to go through all our closets and decide whether things should be moved to the laundry room for storage, be thrown away or organized better where they are. Of course, at some point we'll have a kid, so one of our extra bedrooms will need to be a baby room ... which means I can't store my wedding dress, gift wrap station, candles and video games in there. I'm pretty excited to clear stuff out - been in a purging mood lately (I've been told that is what nesting is ... although I am NOT pregnant - don't want to start any rumors here). Here's a pretty cool photo of our progress taken from my iPhone Instagram app:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Third time's the charm...

This past weekend Jason and I got busy working on one of the projects we've been putting off since August. I can't believe it's been over six months that we've been procrastinating on our bathroom project. I know I promised a post late last week on the updates to the laundry room, but this bathroom painting project was just calling our name! The weather was BEAUTIFUL and we could open the windows and work on this project together. Here are some progress photos:
 This picture makes it look banana yellow - it's much more pale that that in real life. But still, not the color I was looking for.

 Cutting in - my favorite part of painting. :)

 My roller man - he did such a great job!

 Ahhhhh - MUCH better.
Happy Valentine's Day to me - freshly painted bathroom!

The past few nights we've been sleeping on the futon in the extra bedroom to avoid the paint fumes. It's been kind of fun - almost like a slumber party. New room, new bed, makes for a camp-y feel. I'm hoping the fumes will subside by tomorrow night so we can get back in our comfy bed, though. And I can't wait to hang stuff on the walls and really start decorating now that the walls are the right color.

Jason and I are celebrating our Valentine's Day on Saturday night at The Melting Pot. So tonight it was low-key, we had spaghetti and meatballs and watched a chick flick. I had looked online at the movies available on Netflix to have several for us to choose from, and so we watched Outsourced. This is my new favorite movie!!! I love the music - makes me want to get up and dance! It was so funny and the dialogue was highly entertaining.

And, just because I love this show too, I will leave you with another amazing Scrubs clip...

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another reason I am loving Texas lately...

So, who has two thumbs and is off again from work today? This girl.

This time I had a gut feeling we'd be off, so I brought some work home. Not too much, but enough to make me feel less anxiety about my current work-load. Jason went in to work today, and said the roads were worse when he got to work than when he left the house. This, of course, makes me worried, but he's a big boy and can take care of himself. Will definitely be praying for his safety today as he drives home.

Out my back window I can see the sleet/snow swirling around and slowly sticking on the ground. It looks absolutely miserable outside! I am so thankful I don't have to get out in it today.

So, on the agenda for today ...
  • work stuff - get it done and out of the way
  • 4 more loads of laundry - didn't I just do this last week on a snow day?
  • watch last night's episode of Parenthood - one of the best shows on TV (in my opinion)
  • major house cleaning - I've been so lazy lately!
  • begin organizing the tall cabinets in the laundry room (blog post on this later this week)
  • write out grocery list and plan my menus for the next week and a half
  • load all my errand-related stuff into my car so I don't have any more excuses to not get it done!
What are you doing today?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Being iced in is .... FABULOUS!!!

Yesterday my office was closed because of snow/sleet/ice in our area. It's in the company policy manual to follow McKinney ISD weather closures ... but a few weeks ago when McKinney ISD was closed for snow, the company president decided to have everyone come in at 10am. So, policy shmolicy!

Yesterday we got word around 6am that we'd be closed for the day. I was so excited. Except for the fact that I had a proposal due. It's pretty strange that the whole ISD was closed, and yet the purchasing department stays open. I suppose it keeps the schedule on track, but still. So I braved the ice to head up to the office around 10am, and made it there in 30 minutes. Almost got in a wreck due to hills and lots of ice on the roads, thankfully my slow driving on ice came in handy. My hands were sore from gripping the steering wheel so tight!

I waited about 20 minutes for the file I was waiting on to be emailed to me, but once I got it, it took only 10 minutes to put the books together and tape up the box. I headed downstairs to give it to my co-worker who was going to drive 30 miles to deliver. I was SO thankful not to have to brave that many roads and cars. I headed home around 11:15am and the roads were already worse than just an hour before. It was a good rest of the day with pizza for lunch and dinner, Jerry Maguire, an hour nap, several 30 Rock episodes, and Ondine.

I was waiting to hear what the verdict would be for today since McKinney ISD reported school would be closed all day. A little after 8pm we got an email stating the office would open at noon unless the roads were deemed too dangerous to drive on .... so this morning at 10:15 I got a call from my boss that the office would remain closed for the rest of the day. YAY!!! I was so excited.

Today I was able to be much more productive are some of the things I did:
  • made a dozen each, Fiber One Banana Nut muffins, and Fiber One Blueberry muffins
  • P90x Arms & Shoulders workout with Jason
  • 4 loads of laundry
  • made a delicious lunch of Garlic Curry Chicken with avocado and steamed broccoli
  • made a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough - 2 dozen cookies / 4 dozen balls of cookie dough to be saved for a rainy/snow day
  • started our taxes - only waiting on our tax form from Bank of America to finish
  • gathered all of my stuff to give away to a family in need
McKinney ISD is closed all day tomorrow, too - just waiting on the official word as to what our office plans to do. I'm hoping for AT LEAST a noon start time - but would absolutely LOVE the whole day off. I've got some fun projects I could work on... :)