Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The merry month of May!

The month of May was a whirlwind. I'm backtracking a little, since the Smiths came to Texas at the end of May ... but, whatev. Let's just get started with the photos from the month!

Conner had his 4-month appointment at the doctor at the end of April, and we discussed getting Conner started on solids. I was super excited, but at the same time, a little overwhelmed. I mean, breastfeeding was a little confusing at first, but now I feel like a pro. I just knew the same would be true for solid foods. So, I headed to Target to get acquainted with the baby food aisle. Holy Too-Many-Choices, Batman! Good grief. I decided to go with Gerber ... I mean they don't have adorable "Gerber" babies for nothing. ;) So I stocked up on squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, applesauce, bananas, pears, peaches, and rice cereal. We started with rice cereal and the faces he made were too cute and funny. He was so confused by this strange taste/texture in his mouth. It didn't take long, though, for him to realized how much he loves food! He is like a little baby bird when he eats now ... opening his mouth before each bite.

My attempt at his 4-month picture with the elephant. This is hard by yourself!

 Somebody's ready for bath time!

All clean!


That can't be comfortable!

Messy rice cereal ... but he likes it!

Mmm, toes.

Baby feet!

Okay, so remember when I told you we were getting some roommates? Well, May was the month to get everything ready for them to move in, since they moved in just before Memorial Day. So here is our guest bedroom all cleared out. I still can't believe we got it all out of there...I'm impressed with us! Ha!

 And this is what our room looked like right after we moved everything out of the guest room. DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!! Thankfully, it doesn't look like this anymore. It actually looks pretty great. We've cleared out a lot of clutter and organized things a lot better, too. It's a cozy bedroom, but that's how we roll. We are cozy people. :)

Conner's 5-month picture with the elephant. He's a growing boy! I think I'll do a post soon with all of his elephant pics from birth to 6 months. It will be cool to see how much he's grown, especially compared to the elephant.

This is Conner playing on the floor in Grandma and Grandpa's townhome. We went over there for a furniture delivery, so I brought over some laundry to do and we camped out.

Conner thankfully fell asleep in his swing while I did laundry. It made for a much happier baby, that's for sure!

 Mommy and Conner playing with my phone. I love the look on his face in this one. He's like, "um, what the heck is that baby doing on your phone, Mom?"

 My wiggle worm squirming away from me while I try to get  a picture of his bottom 2 teeth! I don't think I've gotten a pic of them yet still. Every time he smiles (which is all the time) he sticks his tongue out a little, which covers them up. I mean I'm sure I could fold down his bottom lip with my finger for the picture, but what kind of a picture would that be? Awkward.

 Mama got some new glasses! I love, love, LOVE them!

I have about 100,000 pictures just like this on my phone. When I'm driving around town and come to a stop light, I'll reach back to see if he's awake or not so I can log it on an app on my phone that I love. It's called Baby Connect (most expensive app I've ever bought, I think it was $4.99) and I log all Conner's diapers, nursing, solids, sleep and am able to keep track of all those things without losing my mind. 

MiMi and Conner. He was being so sweet!

 Mommy and Conner - he was super excited!

MiMi and Conner reading a book before bed.

PawPaw and Conner - "Hey, I know you..."

Conner loving his little buzzing bee.

I got a lot of comments about how embarrassing this picture will be for Conner someday when I posted it on my Facebook page. I disagree. I think this is one of the most adorable pictures of Conner, ever. I think he will love it someday, especially when it's on a big screen at his wedding or something. Mom's know best.

Conner eating MiMi's face! He was not being sweet at all - no kisses for MiMi. No. He was trying to eat her face. Like a zombie.

I thought this picture was cool with the sunlight across it. My sweet boy, playing in the backseat with his octopus.

Somebody's starting to pull his knees up underneath him! I thought this meant he'd start crawling any day. I was, thankfully, wrong. :) I'm not ready for a mobile baby.

Tired, fussy, baby. We snuggled in the rocking chair. I think he liked it. :)

PawPaw and Conner talking. This was after Conner threw up all over PawPaw. What a trooper!

Sweet baby!!

 Uncle Brady reading to Conner. Do elephants really say, "Braloo??"

Hanging at Susan's with Conner while they were here. I was ready for Jason to be HOME! It's hard work taking care of a baby without your spouse around. I don't know how single moms do it. Mad props, ladies!

Conner ready for his first pool experience!

I think he likes it! Mommy and Daddy are excited that he's excited!

"Are you having fun, bud?"

Splashing baby!

That smile just melts my heart into mush. I love this little guy with all my heart!

And that sums up the month of May. I'm kind of bummed we didn't take pictures of Chris and Kylee moving in ... but they did and we are all adjusting pretty well! It's definitely different, but we have been having a great time. Can't believe how fast this year is flying by!

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