Sunday, December 18, 2011

10 days ...

This week was an interesting one. Jason went on a business trip from Wednesday through Friday and with me being 38 weeks pregnant this made us nervous. Of course, he would have been able to change his flight at the hint of any contractions I might have had, but it was still something that made us uneasy. Of course I was instructed to lay low, which I did. Lots of relaxing and hanging with friends and family.

Wednesday my little brother came over and we had Chipotle for lunch ... then we came back to my house and watched Star Wars Episode V. We watched those movies a ton as kids, so it was fun to watch one of them again together. It was definitely a fun way to spend my first relaxing day.

Thursday Jessica came over and we watched Four Christmases to get in the holiday spirit, and ate delicious cookies that she brought over. It was fun to hang out one last time before Conner is here. Then for dinner I met my mom at Cafe Brazil and it was good to hear about how her week was going right before her Christmas break. She is going to take off the first week of January and help us out while we adjust to our new family of 3. So, she's got 3 weeks off starting yesterday. :)

Jason made it home safely Friday morning and then we headed to our ultrasound where we got to see our big boy! She estimated that he is about 8 lbs, 5 oz ... which is pretty much right on track with what we've all been expecting. I mean, let's face it ... Jason and I are not small people, so what makes anyone think we'll have a petite baby? ;)  We've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow where we'll get to hopefully see if I've progressed any in terms of dilation and effacement. I really hope so. I'm really starting to feel like he'll come this week sometime, possibly that's mostly due to my wishful thinking that I want it to happen naturally and want to avoid getting induced. Baby will come when he's ready and Jason's been praying that my labor will start naturally and when we are together (like, not when he's at work), because he really wants to be there for the excitement of it all and wants to help me time contractions. How sweet is my husband?! Love him.

So now that Jason's home for good, we are trying to get the baby out! I even bowled yesterday ... of course, I regretted it a little last night when it felt like my hips were supported by rebar ... I keep saying it feels like a steel rod is between my legs. I've heard women say it feels like there is a bowling ball between their legs. But, I think it's more like a metal rod. To each his own. I always love spicy food, so I won't have trouble with eating the spicy stuff ... and I've been walking more, although it makes my back hurt, so that stinks. I made the mistake to tell Jason early in pregnancy that there are pressure points in feet that could cause labor to begin ... and he hasn't touched my feet until Friday night! But Friday night was awesome because he rubbed my tootsies for like an hour. It was amazing.

So today is the 18th and we're scheduled to get induced the 28th ... so that's only 10 more days at the most because hopefully he'll come before then. Ah! So exciting. :)

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