Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Weekend of Work

Well we got WAY more done than we thought we would on our first weekend in the house. Our friends, Chris and Kylee came over and helped out all weekend with us! My parents came over, too and they helped get stuff done and got us a yummy lunch from Subway. :)

Here are some photos:

This is after we depopcorned this room and removed the "crown molding" from the ceiling. They had put it on backwards... so it looks super lame.

Replacing the front door knob. These are our friends, Chris & Kylee. :)

Mom and Dad working hard to remove the face-plates and old window covering brackets. Don't you love all those crazy colors together???

Kylee and I trying our hand at removing the ugly cow's a lot harder than it looks. We're going to try using boiling hot water...

Jason and Chris starting the removal of the fireplace tiles.

A little blood and a pink band-aid never hurt anyone, right?

Taking lunch orders. Mmmm...Subway.

Check out that fireplace! The boys did good.

Working on replacing the toilet. I'm actually scooping out the water from the toilet to lighten the load when we pick it up... eww.

Jason putting out the fire with a shovel and a spray bottle... :)

Kylee teaching me how to paint. She's a pro!

I'm painting!!!

Check out Kylee's skills ... and Chris is the best paint holder ever.

Kylee loves her brush ... and her brush loves her.

Check out that UN-blue wall. :)

Painting the "Pottery Red" over the blue.

This face is worth 1,000 words. GROSS.

I am scraping out the wax ring that goes around the bottom of the toilet. You can smell the gaseous fumes from the sewer... it is so gross.

More gross-ness.

Bringing in the new toilet. And for the record, Chris doesn't have gray hair. This is just what DE-popcorning does to your hair.

We ladies are a solid team. We totally knew what to do.

Screwing the toilet into the floor.

Tank time!

Kylee making sure we're doing it right...thanks girl!

This hose was the hardest thing to get to connect. I was pretty frustrated at this point...

...but Kylee saved the day. :)

Working on the toilet lid. Nice hair, Alina.

Ta-da!! Our brand new toilet! Thanks to Home Depot and their "Do It Herself" workshop, Kylee and I were rockstars. :)

This is the "finished" bathroom. We're probably going to go lighter on the tan walls so it's not so dark, but it's WAY better than the deep blue sea they had going on before.

More things to do this coming weekend, mostly painting. Looking forward to working in a heated house this time!


  1. This looks for much fun!!! David and I love giving homes a makeover.

  2. We're really enjoying it! First home, and for me, it's the first time I've done any of this stuff. It's an absolute blast! :)

  3. Y'all did make progress.........way to go!!!! :):) We can't wait to see the finished product!!
