Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We made it!


Saturday morning ... was D-day. We had a U-haul truck all ready to go, friends and family on their way to help, and rain was falling from the sky. Didn't look too pleasant, but we persevered. Everyone came as promised and the rain stopped mid-morning, and so we continued! The weather got cooler and cooler, and it was windy - which actually turned out to be a good thing. I hate moving when it's hot, and it was definitely cool enough! We were completely done by 3:00pm, and had the rest of the evening to relax and unpack.

I've got tons of photos of the remainder of the renovations, and of some of our moving process... and of course photos of what we're living in now. We won't have internet at the house until next week sometime, but I'll post them as soon as it gets hooked up. It's been a great experience, and there's still work to be done, but at least now we can head to bed when we get tired, and no longer have to trek it back to the apartment.

Home, sweet home.

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