A little of life lately for you again this gorgeous Friday! The weather here is going to get up to 70 degrees today and I just can hardly believe it. This has been such a warm, mild winter so far. I know we are going to take advantage of the great weather and spend a lot of this weekend outside playing in the backyard and letting Conner practice his bike riding skills. Fun times this weekend!
Last week we had Pastries with Parents at the boys' school and I braved it on my own because Jason had a meeting he couldn't miss. Of course it rained that day, so I was already gearing up for the extra challenging trek from the car into the building. Right as we pulled into the parking lot the front and center drop-off lane spot opened up and it was glorious!! I definitely was thanking the Lord for that unexpected bright spot in my morning. Once we got inside I realized I had no plan for getting the donuts and both boys to a table. On a whim, I told the boys to hold hands and stay with me. As we walked, I turned around a few times to make sure they were still there and guided them along. I was so impressed that it worked so well...they are getting so much easier!! Mamas with kiddos littler than mine...there's hope!
I tried to get pics of the boys eating and then asked for them to sit on my lap for a selfie...no way, Jose! So these blurry, face-stuffing pics will have to do. It's more realistic anyway.
While they were at school I went shopping for baby shower gifts and got my wedding ring cleaned and inspected. It was cold and rainy pretty much the entire day, so after I got the kids home from school we took warm afternoon baths, made race car shaped sugar cookies for an afternoon snack and cuddled on the couch to watch Big Hero 6. It was the perfect afternoon.
More cuddling on the couch...
Jason had bible study that night so I put the boys to bed and went to bed early after my long day of shopping. Something about this third pregnancy has me down for the count during the 7 o'clock hour most nights.
The next morning we got up and got ready for the day and then the boys started playing together so well! A favorite game they play lately is the "let's take a nap" game. Sounds fun, right? There were lots of giggles and sweet moments. I was able to sit on the couch, drink my cup of coffee, and watch them play, all while feeling baby sister's sweet baby kicks in my belly. It was a great start to my Friday, that's for sure!
After our relaxed morning, we headed to Urban Air in Frisco for a play date with my Fresh Spirit ladies. The kids had a great time and it was one of the better experienced at a play date for me since they both played pretty darn well independent of me. Although, Hudson kept running down these ramps to a random exit door, so that was frustrating. But, he eventually stopped that and the rest of the time was great.
After we jumped for about an hour and a half we headed home for lunch and Hudson's nap. I set Conner up with a movie and started packing for my girls weekend! Kylee picked me up around 4:30 and we headed out. First we got manicures, which was a nice treat, then decided on Panera for dinner. There was lots of talking and catching up...life's been so busy lately that we haven't seen much of each other. After dinner we headed to the lake house on Lake Athens where we were staying with the other girls in our life group.
Saturday was filled with LOTS of girl talk, some shopping, eating, relaxing, and we finished off the night playing Disney Trivial Pursuit and watching Something Borrowed. I took zero pictures. We just had a great time being together without distractions or responsibilities and it was an awesome weekend getaway! I love these ladies so much and am thankful to continue getting to know each other and doing life alongside each other.
Sunday morning we ate breakfast and got our stuff together at a leisurely pace. Even though I was away on a girls weekend I was super curious how things were going at home. Jason was good at keeping me updated with text messages. He had gotten the boys up and ready and stuck to our usual routine. He took them to get kolaches and made it up to church super early. Haha! I got a couple of sweet pics that morning of my babies...
When I got home we had the most relaxing afternoon just chilling out as a family. Jason commented on how much louder and more wild they were after I got home. Geez, thanks kids for saving the crazy for Mommy. Now I know why I needed a girls weekend!
I do feel like I need to pause for a minute and give mad props to my awesome husband. There is no way I'd be able to get away for a weekend if he didn't carry on like a rock star while I'm gone. That's something he's always been great at from the very beginning of having kids. I wanted him to be fully comfortable in all aspects of being alone with the kids and he agreed. He may not do it how I would have done it...but that's ok! I'm so grateful to him for always being the awesome dad and husband he is. We are so thankful he is ours!!
And...back to the movie! (Name that movie)
Monday was a lazy day at home and I had a little set-back in my sinus infection. I felt pretty terrible, but I made dinner anyway. That's about all I did besides taking care of the kids. What did I make? The most random meal ever. Baked potatoes, corn (frozen microwavable bag), and diced fresh peaches. Who makes weirdo meals like that? Apparently I do. And apparently it was my kids' favorite meal. Weird? Yes. Awesome? Double Yes. Conner said, and I quote, "I love, love, love your dinner, Mommy!"
Day. Made.
And he wanted to take a picture of me...in my pjs at dinner. Whatev.
Tuesday was filled with doctors appointments and 2 trips to Target. I reverted back to my chicken nuggets for the kids, take-out for Mommy and Daddy after the kids went to bed...and while it was delicious, I missed eating all together as a family. I'm so happy that the hard work preparing meals and getting dinner ready for when Jason walks through the door is paying off! Now we just need our new dining table. Jason is picking it up this morning from Grand Prairie, so that will be a fun project this weekend!
Wednesday was filled with lots of laundry and time-outs. Fun! Keeping it real over here, people. Every day isn't amazing, but I love my little family whether they are angels or having a rough day. Because, really, we all have rough days, don't we? Little kids are no exception.
Here I am just laying on the couch, humming the circus theme song in my head... ;)
Every morning Jason texts me either that he's on the vanpool, or at work, or both. I realize that back in the days before cell phones your husband just went to work in the morning and then you saw him again when he walked back through the door at 6pm. I get it. I really do. But, now that we have cell phones, it's so easy to send a quick text for peace of mind. When I'm pregnant, I also get a little crazy about knowing where Jason is. So, yesterday morning Jason and I had this text convo and I thought it was hilarious. Jason is terrible at spell checking his text messages ... and I use correct grammar in all of mine, including punctuation. We are complete opposites, so I have to have fun with it or it will drive me crazy...
Conner is getting to be such a great helper. Here he is vacuuming the breakfast crumbs off the floor. He's also recently mastered refilling the boys' water bottles for school, including putting the lids back on, fetching diapers for me when I have to change Hudson downstairs, throwing dirty diapers in the diaper genie, opening his own string cheese .... it's happening at the perfect time! I can't wait to see him be my little helper when baby sister arrives.
Yesterday I also got a haircut ... my last one was in July! It was just a trim, so it's hard to tell much of a difference. It's getting so long. I just love it!
And here I am this morning, ready to head out for Fresh Spirit with my ladies! The kids are playing nicely (for the most part), Jason is doing a little work from home and I am catching up on my blogging. When we head out, Jason is going to go pick up our new table and I couldn't be more excited!