So let me backtrack a little and fill you in on what's happened between my last post and now. Jason had off from work the Thursday and Friday before Christmas, so it was fun having him around. We ate out quite a bit and saw a few movies in theaters, knowing it would be the last times we'd be able to do those things for a while after Conner was born. We had a great Christmas Eve with my family and Chris and Kylee. We went to the service at church that afternoon and then headed back to my parents house for dinner and games. We ended up staying over there till close to midnight!
The next day Jason and I opened our presents from each other here at home and then headed to my parents for more presents and our traditional Wright family Christmas morning breakfast of cinnamon rolls and bacon. It was delish as usual. It was so great of my family to get us so many gift cards to restaurants and movie theaters (what we asked for), so that when we are ready for date nights out, that we can enjoy them without having to budget a lot of money for them. My mom did so great picking out a variety. And Brady got us a Papa Johns gift card for the nights we want to stay in and order pizza. So great. And our favorite pizza place is Papa Johns. It was fun spending the whole day with them working on the puzzle they had out and just lounging.
Monday Jason and I went to see another movie ... and realized we were just driving around in silence just thinking about all the things we were anxious about and anticipating. So when we got home we got out our 1500 piece puzzle and got to work. I think we worked on it for about 10 hours straight, and stayed up super late. It was pretty fun working together on something like a puzzle. Tuesday was super anti-climactic, since I didn't go into labor on my own (I was really hoping that would happen). Although, we did get to grab dinner and dessert out with Chris and Kylee, which was fun. Our last hurrah!
So, Wednesday, December 28 we got up early after not sleeping super well, because, really .... how do you get a good night's sleep knowing that in the morning you are going to begin your L/D journey to having your baby? You don't. So we had to be at the hospital at 7:30am, so we were up and at 'em early. The sunrise was beautiful, and we were both super excited. We checked in at 7:30am, and got settled into our L/D room. My nurse, Nicole, was awesome. Loved her! She had a side-kick who was supposed to start my IV ... LONG story short, my IV was attempted 3 times on my left arm leaving it looking like Popeye the Sailor Man ... and finally had a "successful" IV started on my right arm that kind of got caught on my 4 wrist-bands every time I tried to use my right hand. I took it all in stride, though, because really, what can you do? :)
My family came, and so did Chris and Kylee and it was so great to see them all. My mom and Kylee were the ones who spent the most time in my room, other than Jason of course. Brady came in to pray for us, which was super awesome and made me cry. I was dilated to 2cm, and 70% effaced when they admitted me, and after the Pitocin was started, I was dilated to 4cm and my doctor came to break my water. Let me tell you ... that is THE weirdest experience I've ever had. Of course, I was trying to go the natural route, but goodness does the pain get bad once your water breaks! An hour or so had gone by at that point, and I was wanting to see if any progress had been made. My pain was at a 7 or so on the pain scale, and I had told the nurse that I would be interested in an epidural if it got to a 9 ..... but I couldn't move in my bed because of the monitor on the baby. She said I was still at 4cm, and I was definitely bummed. I asked for the epidural saying I wanted it, but didn't necessarily need it. My nurse said that's just the time to get it. Of course, by the time the anesthesiologist got there ... I needed it. I don't know if it was the hormones pumping through my body, or what, but I bawled my face off during the epidural. It really wasn't that painful ... so it wasn't that. I just know I was overwhelmed by everything that was happening and a little disappointed that I ended up with an epidural. I was also overwhelmed by the love pouring out of my husband all day that day and especially in that moment. He was amazing. I have never been more in love with him. So the epidural goes in and Alina becomes very happy. ;) The absence of pain was such a relief. I was really exhausted from the day so far, and wanted to try to rest. That was easier said than done. At that point, I was having to lay on my side so that they could hear the baby's heartbeat and I could have some relief for my back. My eye swelled up a little and I swear I thought I was having a stroke because it felt like my eye was droopy. What a scary thought! The nurse (new nurse at that point - she didn't make a good first impression, but ended up being amazing) and Jason confirmed that I was not having a stroke (they were humoring me, I'm sure), so I could relax again. I was feeling quite a bit of pain/pressure on my side and asked for the anesthesiologist again, thinking I'd have hours upon hours more of labor. A different one came in and was a little short with me, but she gave me the drugs. The nurse checked me again and without telling me how far dilated I was, said she'd like to just see me push. At this point I couldn't feel any of the contractions, so we watched the monitor and I pushed 3 times during the first contraction. She said I had pushed myself to fully dilated and ready to deliver! She then asked Jason if he wanted to see the head. What?! We were both shocked that we were to that point. Jason was very hesitant and she asked me if I wanted a mirror. I immediately said no - who the heck wants to see that?? Well ... curiosity got the best of me, because I totally asked for the mirror. I figured it'd give me an idea of where we were at. Holy cow ... I watched during my next 3 pushes during my next contraction and that is some craziness to watch. At this point the nurse told me that it was time to call Dr. Sara. Jason and I were in complete shock at how fast we went from thinking "we'll be here all night and lucky to have a baby by 4am" to "wow, we could meet our little boy in like 30 minutes." I didn't want to see anything else so I asked Jason to move the mirror. The nurse told me not to push and to wait for Dr. Sara to arrive. That was the worst part. Pushing felt great ... not pushing during contractions? Not so much. About 20 minutes went by and in walks Dr. Sara and about 5 nurses. It was a whirlwind. I pushed 4 times and out came Conner! Dr. Sara went on and on about how adorable he was and all the nurses agreed. They oohed and ahhed over him and commented on how big he was. It was the most amazing moment ever when they put him on my chest for the first time. The tears started flowing! I was just so happy and in love with my little boy. Jason was able to be with him at the warmer and watch as the nurses took care of him. Dr. Sara stitched me up (the thing I was most worried about during pregnancy), and told me how great it was to deliver our baby. She commented on how amazing Jason was the whole time cheering me on and telling me how proud he was of me. He really was amazing.
Conner Garrett Smith - born 12/28/11 at 10:01pm. He weighed 8lb, 14.5oz and was 22in long.
After that, we had our bonding time with Conner where he breastfed for the first time. And after about 2 hours, we headed over to our postpartum room. My family and Chris and Kylee got to come in at that point and meet our newest little addition to the family. It was so great having them all there. I'm pretty sure the moment I locked eyes with my mom I started crying. Happy and proud tears, of course. :)
My first nurse in postpartum was so sweet ... and really the slew of nurses after that with all the shift changes were really great, too. I had an abundance of really great nurses who took great care of me and Conner. We also learned SO MUCH from the nurses. Just watching them hold Conner and burp him and give us all sorts of advice and instruction. So helpful.
The next couple of days were a blur ... but I do have pictures, so I'll end my post with a photo recap.
Talk about an emotional morning. We had bought a new camera that could take videos and pictures in the middle of December in anticipation of our time in the hospital. Jason woke up and couldn't find the camera and thought he left it on the breakfast tray ... we asked the nurses to look for it and they couldn't find it. We were DEVESTATED. There were several videos of the first moments of Conner's life that we took and not to mention the dozens of photos taken, as well. We spent some time in the bathroom just crying together thinking we'd lost the camera. Jason ended up checking the couch again ... and there it was wedged in between the cushions! This photo was taken just a few minutes after that. Such relief!
I was an emotional wreck.
Filling out paperwork for Conner's social security card.
Uncle Brady - being awesome. He is so in love with his nephew! It's been amazing to see him with Conner. He wants to hold him and talk to him and just love on him. Conner loves his Uncle Brady!
The photographer lady taking Conner's picture. Her hands were cold and he was hungry ... not a good combo for newborn pictures. Just sayin'.
Cuddle time with my sweet boy!
Steak and lobster meal the night before discharge. It. Was. Delicious!!!
Me enjoying my steak and lobster.
Conner-bear chilling in his hospital crib.
So in love with him!
He sleeps like his daddy!
Sweet boy getting ready to go home.
Smith, family of 3 - ready to get out of here!
Heading out!
Getting settled into the car - ready to head home!
Welcome home, buddy!
January getting in some cuddle time. :)
Beth and January came to meet Conner. It was fun telling the whole story together. Lots of laughing, that's for sure!
Conner and his Aunt B! :)
So in love with this little man!
He's got huge hands and feet. I'm pretty sure he's going to grow up to be a giant.
My sweet mom stayed with us for a few days and came over to help out for a whole week after coming home from the hospital. She was AWESOME. She made us all sorts of awesome food, watched Conner so we could take naps, and helped with laundry and cleaning. It was so nice having her here. We couldn't have done it without her!!
Attempting to breastfeed with the Hooter Hider in the backseat of the car in the parking lot of the hospital before getting Conner checked out for jaundice. That was an experience. Lots of laughing in the car with my mom and Jason. And Conner passed his jaundice check with flying colors!
Practicing his Kung Fu.
Chilling in his swing while we got ready to eat New Year's Day dinner.
All the delicious food my mom made. It was so good.
Me and mom - the girls.
Brady, Dad, Jason, and Conner - the boys.
The Smiths!
I can't believe that today is the last day of January. So much has happened between these pictures and now, but I will save those updates for later. We are having a great time adjusting to parenthood, and although it's exhausting and overwhelming at times, it's also so sweet to see our little boy grow more and more each day. I love my new family of 3!